A Ride Sunday?

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Anonymous's picture

I see some interest in an A ride for Monday.
How about one for Sunday instead?
I will do one if there is interest.
I was going to the Gunks tomorrow but I have been offered a tennis ticket.
Round trip, train one or both ways; anything you like but not fast.

Anonymous's picture
Robert Gray (not verified)
OK, How about a Ride Monday?

I did the Gunks today after all to make a long story short.
Maybe I will lead a ride Monday if there is enough interest.
Round trip, train one or both ways; anything you like but not fast.
Maybe North White Plains, Greenwich, Bedford, Katonah, Tarrytown, NY

Anonymous's picture
Bruce Pritchard (not verified)
Bike Ride

I'm looking forward to the escape from ny ride, it will be my first. I've been thinking of a ride on Monday tune up for the escape ride. I'd be interested go along with a group either Sunday or Monday. Let me know by email.

Anonymous's picture
Brian Swarth (not verified)

I'd ride tomorrow (sunday) if you are planning on it. Let me know.

cycling trips